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Welcome to eFinancialNewsletter

At, we believe in the power of knowledge. Our comprehensive Financial Reporting Agency work with clients near and far in order to help them transform the way they analyse financial news and data.

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Who We Are provides economic commentary through newsletters and online publications. We choose the most relevant news items to help shape your investment decisions.

What We Do


We pride ourselves on delivering the best financial news content from around the globe, instantly and directly to your inbox.

Our team of market researchers monitor the global climate searching for stories that may assist your investment decisions.

Whether we’re focusing on the macro climate, an individual equity or the sentiments behind the bond market- we’ll provide you with impartial information to absorb and digest.


E Financial Newsletter- Cutting Through the Market Noise to Provide You With the Pertinent and Relevant Data.

Financial Analysis

Our team of researchers specialise in monitoring and analysing the market place.

With a wealth of experience working directly in the market place, our market researchers can find insights that other less experienced research sites may not be able too.

With backgrounds in trading and investing, our team can place content in your sight, that they believe may benefit your investment decisions.

E Financial Newsletter- Allow us to become a prominent part of your investment decision.

Financial Marketing

We would classify ourselves as market researchers and we’re proud to provide insight and content without an ulterior motive.

We won’t be sending you regular information on Asset Managers who pay us to provide their services with a showcase to the type of client we are exposed too.

When we send information in regards to services out there, it’s because our team of researchers have found these services and believe in the current market climate- they may be worth consideration.

We will always send a number of similar services, as we’re not an advisor, and won’t suggest a product or service that is right for you.

However, with the extensive skill set and know how that our team possess- I hope our literature will benefit you.

From a marketing perspective- Regularly our clientele approach us with their products and services that they believe may be relevant to the current theme our researchers have been focusing on. If our team agree with the synergies then we may allow their company to be featured.

At E Financial Newsletter, we pride ourselves on market research, not marketing.

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Slicing Through The Market Noise
To Provide You With The Most Pertinent Headlines From Around The Globe To Assist You With Your Investment Decisions

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